ZEISS GeminiSEM family of field emission scanning electron microscopes caters to the most demanding applications in imaging and analytics. The platform delivers effortless imaging with sub-nanometer resolution, high detection efficiency, surface sensitive analysis, and unmatched sample flexibility. Operate in variable pressure mode or at very low accelerating voltage to deal with even the most challenging samples. • With renowned Gemini optics, experience the best performance and usability including very low landing energies and fast analytics • GeminiSEM 500 brings you more signal and more detail, especially at very low voltages. Its variable pressure mode makes you feel like you’re working in high vacuum. • GeminiSEM 450 is your specialist for speed and surface sensitivity. Profit from ease-of-use by design and flexibility for imaging and analytics. • GeminiSEM 300 lets you experience high resolution and high contrast even on extremely large fields of view. Especially, but not solely, liked by novice users at high or low vacuum.