The system includes:
- Used Cu anode X-ray tube with minimum 70% intensity vs. new
- 66 position autosampler (samples may be exchanged while analysis is in process)
- Full set of interchangeable aperture slits
- Computer with original software (Windows based)
- 2700 W Medium frequency high voltage generator
- Integrated measuring electronics with scintillation detector
- Fully Interlocked radiation housing
- Manuals
The system may be configured to suit your needs with a wide variety of optional specialty attachments and software upgrades.
- Diffracted beam monochromator
- Digital phi stage (rotation controlled by stepper motor)
- New X-ray tubes of various x-ray tube target and focal types
- Closed loop water chillers
- Bruker LynxEye position sensitive detector (PSD)
- Bruker VANTEC-1 position sensitive detector (PSD)
Materials Data Inc. software upgrades are very popular options for full pattern analysis with plug-ins for many special functions. Upgraded software opens up the full potential of the D8:
Jade (Standard or PRO)
- State-of-the-art pattern analysis software
- Whole Pattern Fitting (WPF) (Rietveld) analysis
- Search/Match qualitative phase analysis (requires pattern database)
- Calibrated quantification
- Pattern simulation
- Available with single user or network licenses