System consists of:
Roche LightCycler 480-II PCR
Thermocycler 96 block (included)
Laptop running LightCycler 480 software ver 1.5
Communication and power cables.
Configuration and Setup:
Temperature Range: peltier-based heating/cooling 40-95C
Excitation: 5 filters (440nm 35nm, 465nm 25nm, 498nm 40nm, 533nm 25nm, 618nm 35nm)
Detector: cooled monochrome CCD camera
Reaction Volume Range: 5-20ul
Capacity: 384-well block (Not included- Please inquire)
Accuracy: +/-0.2C of target temperature
384-well block: 4.8C/s
Excitation: Xenon reflector lamp
Luminous intensity: 10uW/mm2
Wattage: 100W
Lifetime: > 500h
Resolution: 1024x1344pixel
Integration time: 10ms to 10s
Integration time selection: dynamic or manual
Sensitivity: < 0.2 nmol/l fluorescein, typically 0.1 nmol/l (20ul reaction volume)
Reproducibility: CV =<0.15%
Crosstalk well-to-well: < 0.2% optically, < 0.02% with software correction
Excitation wavelengths (nm):
Bandpass Half Band Width (HBW)
440nm 35nm
465nm 25nm
498nm 40nm
533nm 25nm
618nm 35nm
Detection wavelengths (nm):
Bandpass Half Band Width (HBW)
488nm 20nm
510nm 20nm
580nm 20nm
610nm 20nm
640nm 20nm
660nm 95nm(low pass)