System consists of:
Nikon Eclipse 90i Upright Microscope
C-TE Trinocular Head
(2) CFI 10x/22 Eyepieces
Prisms / Condenser:
D-CUD Condenser
Prisms: Ph1
Brightfield Path:
Fluorescence Path:
Custom culminating adapter
6-position mechanical turret
ET QUAD band (see attached chart for info)
D-LH 12V 100W Halogen Lamp w/ D-PS power supply
EXFO X-Cite 120 Metal Halide w/ light guide and custom culminating adapter
LEP Ludl STG 6x4
LEP Ludl Mac 2002 control box
6-position smart turret
10x/0.30 Plan Fluor Ph1 DLL
20x/0.75 CFI Plan Apo VC (this is a high quality Nikon APO CFI60 Objective, it was originally installed in a custom piece of equipment where manufacturer did not want to show that they used Nikon objectives)
Photo / Port Splits:
100% Eyepiece or 100% camera or 50/50% split
AmScope MU1003 10MP digital color camera
Computer and Software:
Dell Latitude i5 laptop running Windows 7 Pro with AmScope and MicroManager software
Motorized Components:
Ludl XY stage
Focal adjustment
Light intensity control
Communication and power cables.
Configuration and Setup:
Orientation: Upright
Illumination Type: Brightfield w/ Phase Contrast, Fluorescence
Objectives: 10x/0.30 Plan Fluor Ph1 DLL, 20x/0.75 CFI Plan Apo VC
Light Sources: 12V 100W Halogen, EXFO X-Cite 120
Stage Type: Motorized XY
This Nikon 90i Fluorescence Motorized Phase Contrast Microscope is currently set up for Brightfield viewing with Phase Contrast and Fluorescence studies.
The MU1003 camera is capable of taking detailed digital images as well as live feed.
The Nikon 90i Fluorescence Motorized Phase Contrast Microscope includes a Dell Latitue i5 laptop running Windows 7 Pro and AmScope software.
With included 10x and 20x objectives and 10x eyepieces the total magnification is 200x.