Completely cleaned and refurbished with ONE YEAR BANE WARRANTY PERIOD. Beautiful Leica DMLB set up with very high resolution oil apochrmatic objective set for the ultimate in resolution fluorescence digital photomicroscopy and viewing. Camera not included but we can discuss options. Oil apo objective PLAN (flatfield) set: 10x/0.40, 40x/1.25-0.75 IRIS (for contrast control) and 63x/1.32-0.60. Pair of plan 10x/0.25 adjustable high eyepoint oculars. Photo port to receive c-mount coupler and Peltier cooled digital camera.
Arc lamp HBO 100W with DC Ludl power supply plus new spare bulb. Includes halogen 100W (five spare bulbs) transmission lamp and integrated 12V power supply and intensity control. Substage condenser with 0.90 achromatic dry condenser top lens. XY manual mechanical stage. Coaxial focus drive left/right. Condenser may be upgraded for use with phase contrast or DIC objectives. Condenser part #551062. Stand S/N 601175. All current Leica parts work on this model.
4L Ploem vertical illuminator (four filter cubes and open position). Includes three (3) Leica filter cubes for DAPI, FITC/GFP and Texas Red/Rhodamine.