Baldor-Reliance Motor, 10HP,1760RPM,3PH,60HZ,215TC,0748M,TEBC,FFeatures:Full torque at zero speed1000:1 constant torque rangeTotally Enclosed Non Ventilated (TENV) or Totally Enclosed Blower Cooled (TEBC)1/3 thru 500 horsepowerCast Iron constructionC-Face with base 143TC thru 449TCBase mount only in frames 5007L-5009LClass H InsulatedISR® (Inverter Spike Resistant) magnet wireMeets NEMA MG 1, Part 31Typical Applications:Test stands, material handling, packaging equipment, printing presses, etc. Applications requiring adjustable speed operation with full torque from zero to base speed and constant horseposer to maximum speed.Product Specifications HORSEPOWER10 ENCLOSURETEBC FRAME215TC BRANDBaldor-Reliance MOUNTINGRigid MOTOR RPM 60Hz1760 RPM1760 PHASE3 VOLTAGE230/460 HERTZ60 SERVICE FACTOR1 AMBIENT TEMP C40 ENCLOSURE TYPETotally Enclosed OPPOSITE END BEARING6206 WEIGHT196 RPM RANGE1701-1800 ROTOR-INERTIA1.18 SLIP-HERTZ1.3 is_motorYes FL EFFICIENCY92.4 SERIAL-NUMBER-- SPEC. NUMBER07J137X776Z1 BLOWER-PHASE3 BLOWER-AMPS0.25 BLOWER-HERTZ60 BEARING-DRIVE-END6307 DESIGN CODEA BALDOR CATALOG NUMBERZDM3774T DOE-CODE-- FL AMPS25/12.5 BLOWER-VOLTS460 MAGNETIZING-CURRENT10.2/5.1 MAXIMUM-RPM6000 DRIVE END FLANGEC-Face C-DIMENSION INCHES29.14 POLES4 INSULATION CLASSH